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If I Die Before I Wake- Emily Koch

Description HOW DO YOU SOLVE YOUR OWN MURDER? Everyone believes Alex is in a coma, unlikely to ever wake up. As his family debate withdrawing life support, and his friends talk about how his girlfriend Bea needs to move on, he can only listen. But Alex soon begins to suspect that the accident that put him here wasn’t really an accident. Even worse, the perpetrator is still out there and Alex is not the only one in danger. As he goes over a series of clues from his past, Alex must use his remaining senses to solve the mystery of who tried to kill him, and try to protect those he loves, before they decide to let him go. A stunning edge-of-your-seat debut novel with an unforgettable narrator. Review This story is told by Alex who is in a coma. The first thing that struck me was how awful it must be to be sentient but no one knows that you are. I struggled with this to begin with as the writing was so good it felt so real and painful to read. What is clever about

The Last Dance - Aimee Brown

I'm here today with a cover reveal! I loved Aimee's book The Little Gray Dress and am pleased to be able to share with you the release details for her new book. The Last Dance. About the book Can you truly forgive and forget? Ambri and Henry have been best friends forever. They’ve been through the highs and lows of life with each other by their sides. The worst? When Henry’s wife, and Ambri’s sister, died. Together, they can face it all. Until one night destroys everything. Two years after he stepped out of it Henry walks back into Ambri’s life and she’s more than a little shocked. But as old friends fall into even older habits they need to decide whether they can forget the past and embrace their future. Perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult and Anna Bell. Pre-order link: About the author Aimee Brown is a writer of romantic comedies set in Portland, Oregon, and an avid reader. She spends much o

Social Creature - Tara Isabella Burton

Description A friendship to die for. Louise is struggling to survive in New York; juggling a series of poorly paid jobs, renting a shabby flat, being cat-called by her creepy neighbour, she dreams of being a writer. And then one day she meets Lavinia. Lavinia who has everything – looks, money, clothes, friends, an amazing apartment…  Lavinia invites Louise into her charmed circle, takes her to the best parties, bars, the opera, shares her clothes, her coke, her Uber account. Louise knows that this can’t last for ever, but just how far is she prepared to go to have this life? Or rather, to have Lavinia’s lie? A Ripley story for the Instagram age set in contemporary New York; a world at once sophisticated and sordid, irresistible and irresponsible, unforgettable yet unattainable Review The two main characters are moneyed Lavinia and down at heel although smart and educated Louise. I didn't care for either of the characters as they are both so self absorbed each in

Did you see Melody? - Sophie Hannah

Description Pushed to breaking point , Cara Burrows abandons her home and family and escapes to a five-star spa resort she can't afford. Late at night,  exhausted and desperate , she lets herself into her hotel room and is shocked to find it already occupied - by  a man and a teenage girl . A simple mistake on the part of the hotel receptionist - but Cara's fear intensifies when she works out that the girl she saw alive and well in the hotel room is someone she can't possibly have seen:  the most famous murder victim in the country , Melody Chapa, whose parents are serving  life sentences  for her murder. Cara doesn't know what to trust: everything she's read and heard about the case, or the evidence of her own eyes.  Did she really see Melody? And is she prepared to ask herself that question and answer it honestly if it means risking her own life? Review As I began to read this book I found I had no sympathy at all for Cara Burrows. Which was unfortu

Antiques and Alibis - Wendy H. Jones #LoveBooksGroupTours

Description Cass Claymore, a red headed, motorbike riding, ex-ballerina inherits a Detective Agency, and accidentally employs an ex-con dwarf and an octogenarian. Hired by a client who should know better, Cass has no leads, no clue and a complete inability to solve a case. Still a girl needs to eat and her highbred client’s offering good money. Join her as, with bungling incompetence, she follows a trail littered with missing antique teddies, hapless crooks, a misplaced Lord of the Realm and dead bodies. Will Cass, and Scotland, survive? I'm so pleased to be part of the book tour for this book. You can read about who else is on the tour and more about the author below. Together with a link to purchase the book. Review The description of the PI in this novel got my attention, as she's a motorbike riding ex ballerina - whose inherited a Detective agency. Great bring it on. As you will gather from this and the fact that she's employing an ex-con dwarf and

#FashionVictim - Amina Akhtar

Description A darkly thrilling take on the fashion world,  #FashionVictim  is  Dexter  meets  The Devil Wears Prada . New York City fashion editor Anya St. Clair is on the verge of greatness. Her wardrobe is to die for. Her social media is killer. And her career path is littered with the bodies of anyone who got in her way. She’s worked hard to get where she is, but she doesn’t have everything. Not like Sarah Taft. Anya’s obsession sits one desk away. Beautiful, stylish, and rich, she was born to be a fashion world icon. From her beach-wave blonde hair to her on-trend nail art, she’s a walking editorial spread. And Anya wants to be her friend. Her best friend. Her only friend. But when Sarah becomes her top competition for a promotion, Anya’s plan to win her friendship goes into overdrive. In order to beat Sarah…she’ll have to become her. Friendly competition may turn fatal, but as they say in fashion: One day you’re in, and the next day you’re dead. Review I love readin

The Psychology of Time Travel - Kate Mascarenhas

Description A time-travel murder mystery from a brilliantly original new voice. Perfect for readers of Naomi Alderman's  The Power  and Emily St John Mandel's  Station Eleven . 1967: Four female scientists invent a time-travel machine. They are on the cusp of fame: the pioneers who opened the world to new possibilities. But then one of them suffers a breakdown and puts the whole project in peril... 2017: Ruby knows her beloved Granny Bee was a pioneer, but they never talk about the past. Though time travel is now big business, Bee has never been part of it. Then they receive a message from the future – a newspaper clipping reporting the mysterious death of an elderly lady... 2018: When Odette discovered the body she went into shock. Blood everywhere, bullet wounds, flesh. But when the inquest fails to answer any of her questions, Odette is frustrated. Who is this dead woman that haunts her dreams? And why is everyone determined to cover up her murder? Review H